Deaths Loving Embrace
Verse 1
Deaths loving embrace
Whispers in your ear
Drawing you in
Comforting your fear
Verse 2
Its pool is deep
Its waters black
Emptiness is inviting
You need to step back
Lost in the dark
Wallowing in despair
No hope in sight
Please share to repair
Verse 3
Panic in your brain
Dark appearing light
Deaths master illusion
You need to fight
Verse 4
Deaths firm grip
Very seldom broken
Fighting it alone
No words spoken
Lost in the dark
Wallowing in despair
No hope in sight
Please share to repair
Verse 5
Death has a foe
Like Achilles of old
Exposure a weakness
Its story being told
Verse 6
Chains are broken
With every pain shared
Strengths lies in numbers
Share to repair
Lost in the dark
Wallowing in despair
No hope in sight
Please share to repair