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Verse 1

Success aint money

It aint fast cars

Fancy mansions

And champagne in spas


Verse 2

Success aint fame

Your name in lights

Television appearances

Private jet flights


Verse 3

Success aint a score

In some game of life

Or the fashion parade

With your trophy wife


Verse 4

Success aint measured

In some magazine of wealth

Or swarming paparazzi

Taking photos by stealth


Verse 5

Success is waking

Then going to sleep at night

And the time in between

Doing anything you want


Verse 6

Success is measured

By the simplicity of life

Kind deeds done

No fuss no hype


Verse 7

Success is small deeds

Causes of the heart

Caring for the less fortunate

Is a wonderful start


Verse 8

Success is close friends

Confidantes for life

The love you share

No compromise


Verse 9

Success is yourself

And the warmth within

Your inner strength

Self worth and goodwill


Verse 10 Spoken

Strip back your life

Wake, enjoy, sleep

Life need not be complicated

As it appears to be

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