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Verse 1

Formed in the mountains

Springs and ice melt

Young not knowing

Stream clear and crystal


Verse 2

Making their way

Slowly at first

Gathering knowledge

An unquenchable thirst


Verse 3

Joining other streams

Forming close bonds

Larger they grow

Theirs wills get strong


Verse 4

Direction takes form

Moving as one

Procession interrupted

By eddies and flows


Verse 5

Sometimes they fall

Seemingly no control

Pulling themselves together

Onward they stroll


Verse 6

Streams gather numbers

More power as they go

Smashing into rocks

Stagnating the flow


Verse 7

Flows turn to chaos

As rapids due ensue

Their lives in turmoil

Pulled to and fro


Verse 8

Joining the main river

Pristine water no more

Mans filth injected

Purity scorned


Verse 9

Streams identity now lost

In the large slow river

It limps to the sea

To all start over


Verse 10

Nothing is simple

No journeys are straight

Rapids and falls

Part of your fate

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